Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Maidless In Bandar Utama

Our maid Wasanthi left for home almost two weeks ago.

When she first expressed her desire to go home sometime in March, I almost had an anxiety attack. How was I going to cope with three kids (well, four if you count the "eldest" boy, i.e. daddy)? Who was going to keep the house in order? How was I going to go to work, get home and make sure dinner was on the table by 6pm? What about the boys' homework?

Undeterred, I was up for the challenge.

Now, one week and 4 days later, I am glad to say that the situation didn't turn out as bad as I had anticipated. In fact, because we don't have help, the boys have been doing their part - chipping in to pick up the laundry, or pick up their toys, feeding themselves and helping mommy take care of Baby K.

And because I still had to go to work, we enlisted daddy's help. Daddy stayed home with the kids on days I had to work. And I am proud to say daddy did a wonderful job those 2 days. He fed, bathed, changed, played, lulled and entertained the little ones. Little A had a glorious time, playing Lego with daddy. I'm sure he would prefer daddy to mommy being home anytime.

Having said all that, I can't wait for Wasanthi to come back - only two weeks and four days more!


Full Time Mom said...

I'll be joining your Great Workout in a couple of months when our maid goes back for a holiday too!

I'm already mentally preparing myself for it ...

The Forgetful One! said...

Finally ... a post!