Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm Falling. . .

Something really embarrassing happened to me today.

I had just parked my car, and I was walking to the place I will be working at this couple of months. Not but 20 steps later, I felt myself buckle (thanks to the uneven pavement and my heels, not to mention the what-felt-like-a-50-kg notebook bag), and before I quite knew what was happening, I found myself sprawled by the pavement. Several people turned to look... I turned lobster red....

No sooner had I stumbled, tripped and fallen, I got up, dusted myself and pretended like nothing had happened.

This brought me back to the time I did the same unglamorous thing in the heart of 'glamorous' Bangsar. It happened in a split second, and I was all over the pavement. Unfortunately, that time, I had hurt my ankle and couldn't get up at lightning speed. Still, I pretended like I was looking for something and sat on the ground while I tried to save whatever face I had left!

My Little J does that. Not only does he look like me, he inherited my defective gene of tripping on any type of flooring.

When he was barely two, he fell and slammed his face somewhere - I'm not sure on what exactly. This cracked his four front teeth. Over time, these pearly whites broke, and slowly ate away. Today, at almost four, he has lost almost all of these teeth. He looks adorable still but you should see the problem he encounters biting on an apple. He has to gnaw on it with his gigi taring. Quite a sight.

He's still tripping all over the place. Falling in malls, in school, in the playground, and just about everywhere else. Hopefully, he will grow out of this stage. Otherwise, he'll end up like me - having to master the act of pretending to look for things he konon dropped - by roadsides, in parking lots, and in people's houses. Sigh.

1 comment:

Full Time Mom said...

Bruised ego, eh? :) Join the club!