Between work, the kids, and managing the house I've had to creatively stretch time, stealing a few hours here and there to get stuff done. And then came the week-long school holidays and that left no time for anything else.
I was consumed with guilt about not having taken the boys anywhere for the holidays. It was tough enough staying home, let alone going out anywhere with two boisterous boys! Towards the end of the holidays and against my better judgement, I decided we should go for a movie.
The boys had been to the cinema several times before and most times it's been manageable. Save for the constant runs to the bathroom.
We decided on 'Charlotte's Web' since Little A had seen the trailer on TV and wanted to watch it. "Its about a spider and a pig, mommy," he piped.
Off to the cinema we went. Bright and early on a Friday, before the crowds got there. We got our tickets and popcorn, and the mandatory visit to the bathroom before the movie. After all the ads and trailers, just as the movie was about the begin... Little J, in a whisper "Mommy, I have to go toilet". Maybe if I pretended not to hear he will forget.
"Mommy..." It got a little louder. Ignore, ignore. And then Little J started chanting, "have to got toilet... have to go toilet... have to go toilet..." Jeez. I gave in and took him.
The rest of the movie went rather well by my standards. Little A had given his opinion throughout the show, or had asked questions, and made comments, most of which were met with my "Uh-Huh." Which meant, 'OK, whatever you say...just as long as you keep quiet and not bother other people.'
After the movie we walked about the mall a little. Several times Little A thought he'd lost me, and would yell at the top of his voice, "Maaaa-mmmmeeeee!!!" People walking past wondered whose child this was, making all that ruckus. Save for those few times, which I regard to be nothing extraordinary, the day went quiet uneventful.
The next day, we took the boys on their first picnic. A lot of thought went into the planning; I was up at 5.30am on Saturday making egg sandwiches. I had the picnic mat, thermos of milo, water, wet wipes, hand cleanser, snacks, just about everything except the kitchen sink.
We woke the kids up after we loaded up our car, and promptly made our way to my sister's house. Auntie B, Uncle AD and Anya were all ready to go, so off we went!
The skies were looking a little gloomy on our way to the Lake Gardens. Undeterred, we forged ahead. I wasn't calling this off, not on the count of a few dark clouds. Heck, not after all that planning and packing!
We got there just before 8am. We found a little spot near the playground where we set our stuff down. The boys ran off immediately to the play area. Auntie B and I started laying out the food with Baby K and little Anya watching the birds and pigeons around us. It was turning out to be quite fun.
About 30 minutes later, Auntie B and I decided to send Daddy and Uncle AD on an errand - to get us some nasi lemak Tanglin.
The boys took a break from playing to have some egg sandwich and milo, while Auntie B and I had a tete-a-tete. Halfway through having fun, we felt a few drops of rain on our head. Before we knew it, more drops! Next thing we knew, we were grabbing and packing up everything we had in sight, and running to the gazebos nearby.
Daddy and Uncle AD had just bought the nasi lemak, and was coming back when the rain started. Daddy brought with him umbrellas and promptly took us all back to the car. And just in time too. Once we got in, it rained cats and dogs!
We went back to Auntie B's place, and had our nasi lemak on the balcony, while the kids played and watched Hi-5 on TV. It was nice to enjoy the rain indoors while we chatted the morning away.
Well, at least we got an hour of picnicking in before we got rained out. One thing for sure, we'll attempt it again soon - possibly the next school holidays?