Friday, August 24, 2007

An Eye Opener

I went with my kids today to visit some Myanmar refugee children.

It was the school holidays, and I felt it was a good idea to bring them to meet with these children. If not just for them to realize how lucky they were, also for them to simply play with the kids.

We arrived while a volunteer was telling the kids a story. While she spoke in English, we had a young Myanmarese lady named Lulu translating so the children would understand. Not long after story time, it was time for lunch.

The children had a simple meal of rice, with egg, chicken and noodles. Before they dug in, a lanky teenager (I forget his name) stood up to say grace in his native tongue. Although I didn't understand a word he said, I had to bow my head down to blink back the tears. Here he was offering thanks, while we, who have so much more, forget to take time to appreciate what we already have. Puts all my problems in perspective.

They offered me a plate of rice with a small piece of egg, and two tiny pieces of chicken. While that was hardly anything extraordinary, I was so touched. They already have so little to begin with, yet think nothing of sharing it with me - a complete stranger.

I crammed the food into my mouth, swallowing quickly because there it was again, that lump in my throat. I watched while the kids ate their lunch, laughing and playing - behaving as though there wasn't a care in the world. Which I suppose is a good thing. So that they can be as they should be - children.

One of the boys, Justin will be repatriated together with his family, to New Zealand at the end of the year. When asked if he was happy about going, he said he wasn't. In broken English, he said he'd be leaving his friends behind.

We left not too long after lunch. That visit was intended to open my children's eyes, but instead it opened mine. The children also opened my heart, and left an indelible mark. Indeed, I will be back to see them soon enough.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


We have two family vacations each year.

One to Pulau Langkawi in August, and the other to Cameron Highlands usually at the end of the year. One to enjoy the sun and the sea. The other to take in the cold, crisp air in green surroundings.

This year, Anya and family, plus grandma came along. So we had a total of about ten people in our entourage. The four day vacation seemed a little short. I guess it was because we were having so much fun.

The days were spent without much regard for time.

On the second day, we took the cable car ride up to Gunung Mat Cincang. After the initial vertigo, we managed to take in the panoramic view of the island. It was breathtaking. After spending almost half the day up in the hills, we hit Langkawi Fair. Thankfully, the kids managed to catch some shut-eye on the way there. When we arrived, they were famished.

We tucked in to a nice local lunch, and then did some shopping. We stocked up on duty-free Nike and some Speedo gear for Little A.

The third day, the kids enjoyed themselves in the pool. Later the boys together with daddy built sandcastles on the beach. Mommy and Auntie B went to the spa, where we got a heavenly massage, and indulged in girl talk in the steam room.

Dinner was a much anticipated event. Everyone would be starving after the day's activities, and we'd stuff our faces silly. Dinner on the first night was at Coco Beach. Fresh seafood served on the beach at sunset. Ah... this is the life!

Dinner the second night was in the hotel Beach Restaurant, situated on slits on the sea. With waves lapping, and the sea breeze blowing, we wanted dinner to last forever. It was also my birthday, so daddy had the service staff bring us a slice of cake with a candle. Strollers, together with the entourage sang "Happy Birthday", and Little A, Little J and Baby K all blew out the lone candle.

What a great vacation!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Post!

OK, so I have fallen off the wagon. I haven't posted anything for about three months now.

I didn't realize when I signed on to do this that there would be people (well-meaning?) hounding me.

"Waaaaa... no post after so long aaa?"

"Just wanted to check when you'd be writing in your blog?"

Give me a bit of time, I will get back on track.
No promises. Sometime soon, I hope. :-)